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- Using Amiga ANSI Codes With CNet Amiga, v3.0c (and Higher) v1.20
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- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892
- No doubt, if you've been using bulletin boards for any length of time,
- you've heard of ANSI Escape Code Sequences. What you may NOT have known is
- that you can use them with the CNet Amiga BBS Package. I don't simply mean
- that CNet can read and interpret these codes, as in a door, but that you
- and your users can actually enter them right into either of CNet's resident
- editors. This file will explain all the known ANSI codes I could locate, and
- I'll attempt to update this file when and if new ANSI codes have been found.
- For those of you NOT familiar with ANSI Escape Codes, what they are is
- nothing more than a series of characters which will have some sort of affect
- on either the cursor, the screen, or the text which appears ON the screen.
- All ANSI codes initially start with the ESC (Escape) Character. This is Ascii
- Code 27, HEX Code 1B. This character will appear to look like a small arrow
- pointing to the left if using CED or AZ, or will appear as a tilde ~ if in
- one of the CNet Editors. The "Ed" and "MEmacs" programs are NOT good choices
- to use when using ANSI codes as the ESC key is used to activate certain
- commands within these programs. I suggest using CED or AZ as your external
- editor if you'll be using something BESIDES the CNet internal editors.
- ============================================================================
- When using the Line Editor or Visual Editor within CNet, you will need
- to Press the ESC key TWICE to create the ~ (ESC char). Keep this in mind.
- ============================================================================
- Following this ESC character, which will be referred to as ESC from now
- on, you must use an Open Bracket character: [ (to thr RIGHT of "P")
- Following the Open Bracket MAY come one, or several numbers separated by
- semicolons, and finally a Command Character.
- The Command Character may be an UPPER Case Letter, a lower case letter,
- or a punctuation symbol. When the Command Character is a LETTER, the CASE of
- that letter is VERY important, as there are a few ANSI codes that carry a
- different meaning, depending on whether or not the letter is UPPER Case or
- lower case.
- Before we start with the long descriptions, let me say that the following
- ANSI Codes will work on BOTH Amiga and IBM Machines, although only the ANSI
- Codes that work under the Amiga environment will be listed. ALL of these will
- also function under the IBM, but there are a few IBM ANSI Codes which will
- NOT function under the Amiga, so these codes have been LEFT OUT of this list.
- Alright, so much for the introductory paragraphs, let's get into seeing
- what these ANSI Codes are all about. In the following descriptions, ESC will
- mean you should press your ESC (Escape) key. Remember, if using one of the
- CNet internal editors, you'll need to press ESC TWICE to get the ~ char.
- ============================================================================
- Long Descriptions of Amiga ANSI Escape Codes.
- ============================================================================
- ESC [ x A <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "A".
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor UP "x" rows, while staying in the
- same column.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5A - Move UP 5 rows, but STAY in the SAME column.
- ESC[10A - Move UP 10 rows, but STAY in the SAME column.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x B <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "B"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor DOWN "x" rows, while staying in the
- same column.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[3B - Move DOWN 3 rows, but STAY in the SAME column.
- ESC[17B - Move DOWN 17 rows, but STAY in the SAME column.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x C <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "C"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor to the RIGHT "x" columns, but will
- stay on the same row.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[7C - Move RIGHT 7 columns, but STAY on the SAME row.
- ESC[38C - Move RIGHT 38 columns, but STAY on the SAME row.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x D <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "D"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor to the LEFT "x" columns, but will
- stay on the same row.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[3D - Move LEFT 3 columns, but STAY on the SAME row.
- ESC[15D - Move LEFT 15 columns, but STAY on the SAME row.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x E <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "E"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor DOWN "x" rows, and will place the
- cursor in column 1 of that row.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[3E - Move to column 1, 3 rows BELOW current row.
- ESC[12E - Move to column 1, 12 rows BELOW current row.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x F <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "F"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor UP "x" rows, and will place the
- cursor in column 1 of that row.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[9F - Move to column 1, 9 rows ABOVE current row.
- ESC[20F - Move to column 1, 20 rows ABOVE current row.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ r;c f <--- End in EITHER a LOWERCASE "f", or a CAPITAL Letter "H"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor to Row "r", Column "c". Row and
- column MUST be separated with a semicolon(;).
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5;15f - Move cursor to Row 5, Column 15.
- ESC[23;1f - Move cursor to Row 23, Column 1.
- ESC [ r f <--- End in EITHER a LOWERCASE "f", or a CAPITAL Letter "H"
- DESCRIPTION: Specifying ONLY the Row "r" will move the cursor to
- Column 1 of Row "r".
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5f - Move cursor to Row 5, Column 1.
- ESC[18f - Move cursor to Row 18, Column 1.
- ESC [ ;c f <--- End in EITHER a LOWERCASE "f", or a CAPITAL Letter "H"
- DESCRIPTION: Specifying ONLY the Column "c" will move the cursor to
- Column "c" of Row 1.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[;7f - Move cursor to Row 1, Column 7.
- ESC[;35f - Move cursor to Row 1, Column 35.
- NOTES: When specifying ONLY the Column, use a semicolon(;) BEFORE
- the Column value to differentiate it from the Row value.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ r;c H <--- End in EITHER a CAPITAL Letter "H", or a LOWERCASE "f"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the cursor to Row "r", Column "c". Row and
- column MUST be separated with a semicolon(;).
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5;15H - Move cursor to Row 5, Column 15.
- ESC[23;1H - Move cursor to Row 23, Column 1.
- ESC [ r H <--- End in EITHER a CAPITAL Letter "H", or a LOWERCASE "f"
- DESCRIPTION: Specifying ONLY the Row "r" will move the cursor to
- Column 1 of Row "r".
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5H - Move cursor to Row 5, Column 1.
- ESC[18H - Move cursor to Row 18, Column 1.
- ESC [ ;c H <--- End in EITHER a CAPITAL Letter "H", or a LOWERCASE "f"
- DESCRIPTION: Specifying ONLY the Column "c" will move the cursor to
- Column "c" of Row 1.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[;7H - Move cursor to Row 1, Column 7.
- ESC[;35H - Move cursor to Row 1, Column 35.
- NOTES: When specifying ONLY the Column, use a semicolon(;) BEFORE
- the Column value to differentiate it from the Row value.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ 1 J <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "J"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Clear(Erase) the screen STARTING at the HOME Position,
- Row 1 / Column 1, and ENDING at the current cursor location.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[1J - Blank everything ABOVE and to the LEFT of the
- current cursor location.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ 2 J <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "J"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Clear(Erase) the ENTIRE screen, then place the cursor
- at the HOME Position(Row 1, Column 1).
- EXAMPLES: ESC[2J - Blank the WHOLE Screen, then move the cursor
- to the UPPER LEFT corner of the screen.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ 3 J <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "J"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Clear(Erase) the screen STARTING at the current cursor
- location, and ENDING at the BOTTOM of the screen.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[3J - Blank everything BELOW and to the RIGHT of the
- current cursor location.
- NOTES: You can also use this command by leaving the "3" OUT of the
- command, like this: ESC [ J (Example: ESC[J )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ 1 K <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "K"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Clear(Erase) from the BEGINNING of the line to the
- Column the cursor is sitting in.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[1K - Blank everything UNDER and to the LEFT of the
- current cursor location.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ 2 K <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "K"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Clear(Erase) the ENTIRE line the cursor is sitting on,
- but will NOT delete the line.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[2K - Blank everything UNDER, LEFT, and RIGHT of the
- current cursor location.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ 3 K <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "K"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Clear(Erase) from the current cursor location to the
- END of the line.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[3K - Blank everything to the RIGHT of the current
- cursor location.
- NOTES: You can also use this command by leaving the "3" OUT of the
- command, like this: ESC [ K (Example: ESC[K )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x L <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "L"
- DESCRIPTION: Will INSERT "x" new lines BELOW the cursor.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[4L - Insert 4 blank lines below the line the cursor
- is currently sitting on.
- NOTES: ALL rows BELOW the cursor will be moved DOWN the screen to
- make room for the inserted lines. Rows will be pushed OUT
- the BOTTOM of the screen IF NEED BE. The UPPER rows will
- NOT scroll UP to make room.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x M <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "M"
- DESCRIPTION: Will DELETE "x" rows, starting at the Cursor's row.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5M - Delete the row the cursor is on and the 4 rows
- BELOW the cursor. (5 rows in all)
- NOTES: The rows left over will be PULLED UP to meet the row above
- the current cursor's row. No GAPS will be shown.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ s;f;b m <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "m"
- DESCRIPTION: See the END of this List for the FULL DESCRIPTION on using
- this command.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x P <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "P"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Delete(Pull) "x" characters to the RIGHT of the cursor
- INTO the cursor, so as not to leave a GAP.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[3P - Erase the 3 characters to the RIGHT of the
- cursor by PULLING the line INTO the cursor.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x S <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "S"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Move(Slide) the ENTIRE Screen UP "x" Rows.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5S - Bump the screen UP 5 rows.
- ESC[23S - Bump the screen UP 23 rows.
- NOTES: Any text at the TOP of the screen will be PUSHED OUT the
- top of the screen and CAN'T be gotten back.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ s <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "s"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Save(Remember) the cursor's current Row and Column.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[s - Remember the Row and Column the cursor is
- presently sitting in.
- NOTES: Use the "u" command to place the cursor BACK to this
- "saved" screen position.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ r t <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "t"
- DESCRIPTION: Will make Row "r" the new BOTTOM of Screen. ALL text BELOW
- this row will be LOCKED in place, as all scrolling will only
- occur ABOVE this row.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[13t - Set Row 13 as the BOTTOM of the screen. Line
- scrolling will BEGIN on this row, so as not to
- disturb any rows BELOW this line.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x T <--- MUST end in CAPITAL Letter "T"
- DESCRIPTION: Will Move(Slide) the ENTIRE Screen DOWN "x" Rows.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[8T - Bump the screen DOWN 8 rows.
- ESC[15T - Bump the screen DOWN 15 rows.
- NOTES: Any text at the BOTTOM of the screen will be PUSHED OUT
- the bottom of the screen and CAN'T be gotten back.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ u <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "u"
- DESCRIPTION: Will place the cursor at the last Saved screen location, or
- use current location if no location was saved previously.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[u - Move the cursor to the row and column that were
- last "remembered" by the "s" command.
- NOTES: Use the ESC [ s command FIRST to SAVE a screen location.
- NOTES2: Also, I've found that if an ESC [ s was NOT used in the
- file before hand, that the cursor will disappear if used
- right before a prompt. If the ESC [ s command IS ever used,
- then this CURSOR HIDE is disabled. I'm still trying to
- figure out how to reinitialize the "s" command to a NULL
- state, which would reenable the "u" HIDING feature.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ p x <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "x"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the Pixel Cursor "p" Pixels to the RIGHT of it's
- current position.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[4x - Moves 4 Pixels to the RIGHT. This is about one
- half the distance between characters on a 640
- by 200 screen.
- NOTES: This, and the "y" command, are those used by the IFF to
- ANSI Conversion programs. The "Pixel" cursor appears to
- be located on the TOP Pixel row of the cursor character.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ p y <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "y"
- DESCRIPTION: Will move the Pixel Cursor "p" Pixels BELOW it's current
- position.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[10y - Moves 10 Pixels DOWN. This is about the size
- of one row on the screen.
- NOTES: This, and the "x" command, are those used by the IFF to
- ANSI Conversion programs. The "Pixel" cursor appears to
- be located on the TOP Pixel row of the cursors character.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ x @ <--- MUST end in SYMBOL Character "@"
- DESCRIPTION: Will INSERT "x" characters AFTER the Cursor.
- EXAMPLES: ESC[5@ - Pushes the character AFTER the cursor, and any
- other characters on that line to the RIGHT 5
- spaces. A GAP is made when using this command.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ESC [ s;f;b m <--- MUST end in LOWERCASE Letter "m"
- DESCRIPTION: This command is used to modify the way TEXT appears on your
- screen. The Style, ForeGround, and BackGround, of the Text
- can be modified using this command.
- NOTES: Style "s", ForeGround "f", and BackGround "b". ALL values
- are separated using the semicolon (;). You may include as
- MANY, or as FEW of the following within this command.
- Text Styles: 0 - Normal Text (White Text On Black BackGround)
- 1 - Bright Text (The High 8 Colors: 9-f MCI's)
- 4 - UnderLined Text (Sometimes Called UnderScored)
- 5 - Bold Text (Flashing Text on IBM's)
- 7 - Reverse Text (ForeGround & BackGround Switch)
- ForeGrounds: 30 - Black Text BackGrounds: 40 - Black Field
- 31 - Red Text 41 - Red Field
- 32 - Green Text 42 - Green Field
- 33 - Yellow Text 43 - Yellow Field
- 34 - Blue Text 44 - Blue Field
- 35 - Purple Text 45 - Purple Field
- 36 - Cyan Text 46 - Cyan Field
- 37 - White Text 47 - White Field
- NOTES: As you can see, the BackGround values are simply 10 higher
- than their ForeGround counterparts. Values can be placed
- in ANY order within the "m" command, as shown in these
- examples:
- EXAMPLES: ESC[1;31;44m - Text appearing AFTER this command will be
- in BRIGHT RED on a BLUE BackGround. Note
- that the "Bright" colors coincide with the
- upper 8 MCI Colors: 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f.
- ESC[5;33;42m - Text appearing AFTER this command will be
- in BOLD YELLOW on a GREEN BackGround. Text
- will FLASH, instead of BOLD on IBM's.
- ESC[1;5;35;47m - Text appearing AFTER this command will be
- IBM Machines.
- ESC[33;45m - Text appearing AFTER this command will be
- in YELLOW on a PURPLE BackGround.
- ESC[7;33;45m - Text appearing AFTER this command will be
- in PURPLE on YELLOW BackGround. Note that
- COLORS "33" and "45" are the same as in
- the above example, except "7" (Inverse)
- is being used.
- ESC[1;7;31;44m - NEAT TRICK! Text appearing AFTER this one
- will be BLUE on a BRIGHT RED BackGround.
- This emulates the MCI: \z9\c4, IF the "Z"
- MCI command would support numbers greater
- than 7. Only way to do this is through
- ANSI coding! Again, NEAT TRICK!
- ESC[0m - This command will TERMINATE ALL Styles,
- -or ForeGrounds, and BackGrounds, and return
- ESC[m to a WHITE on BLACK initial state.
- NOTES: Keep in mind that the "Styles" are ENABLE Only. By this, I
- mean the ONLY way to DISABLE a Style is with the ESC[0m
- command. This isn't so bad, but that it will ALSO DISABLE
- ALL other Styles. This can kind of be a nuisance when you
- wish to mix Bright and Regular colors, like this:
- ESC[1;32mMESC[0;32main ESC[1;32mPESC[1;32mromptESC[1;37m:
- This long ANSI Line creates: Main Prompt:
- Where the "M" and "P" are in BRIGHT GREEN, other letters
- are in regular GREEN, and the colon is in BRIGHT WHITE.
- Notice that you have to use the "0" parameter to select
- regular GREEN, then back to "1" for BRIGHT GREEN again.
- ============================================================================
- Well, that completes the list of KNOWN (by me) Amiga ANSI Codes. As I
- mentioned earlier, if I find any other ANSI codes, I'll be sure to add them
- into this list sometime in the future.
- Lastly, I'd like to mention ANSI Macros, aka Signature Files. I've made
- numerous ones for myself over the past few years using my favorite IBM ANSI
- drawing program, BBS Draw, v4.0. Once created, I toss a copy of my signature
- in my uploads directory for my term program. Whenever I call another bbs, I
- use the .Z (Zip Upload) command to send my new signature to that bbs. Use
- Xmodem proto, instead of Ascii as CNet will strip the ESC codes if sent via
- ASCII(This is because sending via Ascii is the same as emulating yourself as
- having actually typed this text in, and if you'll recall from above, when we
- TYPE ANSI codes into the editor, we need to press the ESC key TWICE in order
- for it to appear. If you created an ANSI picture using double ESC codes, then
- this Ascii problem would not exist!). I've never had a problem uploading ANSI
- files using Xmodem. Give it a try! YOUR bbs should NOT be the ONLY place you
- use your CUSTOM Signature Files!
- The codes referred to in this article have been FULLY TESTED using my
- copy of CNet Amiga, and SHOULD function as prescribed on ALL versions of
- CNet from 3.05c to the present. If you know of another ANSI Amiga Code that
- is NOT part of this list, PLEASE let me know. I'd LOVE to add it to this
- list. I feel this to be the most complete Amiga ANSI Code listing available.
- Finally, as yet another help, I created a QUICK ANSI Listing, which has
- short descriptions of ALL ANSI Codes covered above. This listing was written
- to fit nicely on ONE sheet of paper, roughly 60 to 64 lines, PICA or ELITE.
- This listing can be found as the filename "ANSI_List2" in this archive.
- For the ARexx Programmers out there, check the "ANSI_Rexx" file, which
- is also located in this archive. This file is an article on how to use ANSI
- in your programs. Things like how to read the cursor arrow keys, the ESC key,
- the ENTER key, etc. can all be done through Arexx. Read it and find out now!
- - Dotoran
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- Call Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892 Today!
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